sobota, 10 grudnia 2016

Del Shannon "Runaway"

A little bit of music for your students. Del Shannon's "Runaway" became a huge hit in 1961 and it's stilll a great song. In the file I uploaded you will find all materials you need for the lesson.
My suggested lesson plan?

  1. Tell your students that they're going to listen to a song today but first you're going to tell them something about the artist who wrote this song.
  2. Tell your students basic facts from Del Shannon's life (don't worry it's all in the material I uploaded), it will make your students more interested in the song. While talking about Del Shanon's life write on the board the words that students might not understand.
  3. Ditribute the handouts with lyrics and play the song. Students have to complete the lyrics while listening to the song.
  4. Play the song one more time but this time pause the music after each gap (to check if they completed it correctly) and translate it with your students line by line.
Hope you and your students will have fun listening to Del Shannon:)

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